I like to try new techniques whenever I can. This is one of those experiments. Some of these pieces have been around the studio for years. Hanging on nails and buried in piles, they continually rise up to feed my imagination. The hammered copper base tube and dish have been around for at least six years. The hand cut and formed leaves were created just for this project. This was a personal piece that sold shortly after it’s finish. The leaves were cut on a bandsaw and further refined with an oscillating drum sander. They were heated to a cherry red and cooled. This made them very soft and pliable. All the little twists and turns on the leaves surfaces and edges were done with thumbs and fingers. An oxidizer was sprayed, from a bottle, and wiped several times to achieve the final mottled tone. The hammered brass stems were soldered to the leaf forms. The base is a burled maple with an ebony stain that has been waxed to a high luster. The shade is a custom, silk shade made just for this lamp. The lamp stands 29” tall x 10” in diameter.


Pod Lamp


Blooming Floor Lamp