This is another lamp that came about over time. Originally conceived as a night light, it also makes a unique accent or desk lamp. The light head is a drilled out copper plumbing connector. The copper cap was repeatedly heated and hammered with two different hammers that had custom shaped striking surfaces. The copper and brass pieces were oxidized and hand rubbed to a medium bronze patina. All the metal parts were then given a protective wax coating. The diffusion screen, inside the lamp head, is made from a hemmed and rolled piece of bronze screen. It was then sewn together, to hold it’s tubular shape, with a piece of bronze wire from the screen. The two piece maple burl base was cut to have irregular edges to compliment the cap. It was then sanded, waxed, and polished to a reflective sheen. Sandwiched inside the base is a touch dimmer. On/off and the three light levels are controlled by a simple touch to any of the metal parts on the lamp. The cord is twisted, brown, rayon. The LED bulb is a 25w equivalent. Low wattage Incandescent bulbs will work but they tend to make the light head very hot to the touch. The lamp is 14” tall by 8” in diameter.


crushed foil lamp


5 light Wedge Lamp